The Boca Detox Center Method:
Comfortable Drug & Alcohol Detox
At Boca Detox our medically-supervised drug and alcohol detox program was designed by highly qualified and experienced medical and clinical professionals. Our program prioritizes individualized care designed to meet each client’s unique needs. Rather than experiencing detox in a hospital environment, clients detox in a home-like setting with around-the-clock care.
During the detox process we will:
- Evaluate our client’s level of addiction, the substance used and the length of time the substance has been used
- Assess our client’s overall physical health
- Manage and alleviate symptoms associated with withdrawal
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the vast majority of effective addiction treatment plans begin with detoxification and medically managed withdrawal. Detoxification alludes to the process during which the body rids itself of chemical substances. When an individual abuses any chemical substance for an extended period of time, he or she will begin to develop a physical and psychological dependence. Over time, a tolerance will be built up, meaning that a greater amount of the substance will be required in order for the same results to be produced. Tolerance and withdrawal are two symptoms of substance abuse that tend to go hand-in-hand. Once an individual develops a tolerance for a specific chemical substance he or she will experience symptoms of withdrawal upon abruptly ceased use. While detox is a crucial first step of every recovery program, it is important to note that detox alone is not sufficient treatment when obtaining long-term sobriety is concerned. Medical detox must be followed up with inpatient treatment, or another appropriate level of clinical care (which could be partial hospitalization or intensive inpatient treatment, as the case may be).
At Boca Detox we focus on physically stabilizing our clients while preparing them for the next phase of their personal recovery journeys. Comfort is always our top priority. The level of quality clinical care that we provide guarantees pain-free and short lived withdrawal, and our homestyle, private detox facility ensures an unmatched level of comfort coupled with the ability to relax and thoroughly heal. For more information on the detox programs that we provide, give us a call today – or continue reading below.
Our Detox Programs
At Boca Detox we offer inpatient detoxification services in a safe, supportive and homestyle retreat. The level of clinical care that our experienced staff members provide cannot be found in any state-run detox facility or traditional hospital setting. Not only do we focus on providing each individual client with a comfortable and pain-free withdrawal process, but we do everything in our power to help set an unwavering foundation for long-term sobriety. We work to prepare our clients for transition into an inpatient treatment facility while ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible during their stay in our medical detox facility. Our inpatient detox programs are highly individualized and comprehensive, meaning that we tackle the emotional and psychological implications of addiction as well as the physical.
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Alcohol Detox
Harvard Medical School recently published an article that covered the symptoms of and treatment for symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal. The study suggests that some of the more common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include body tremors, insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations and in severe cases – seizures and the onset of delirium tremens. When delirium tremens occurs, it typically begins within the first two or three days after the final drink (and can occur up to a week after the last use depending on the severity of the alcohol abuse disorder). This withdrawal-related medical condition causes severe physical and psychological symptoms, including changes in circulation and temperature, dangerously increased heart rate and blood pressure, dehydration, extreme confusion, loss of consciousness, severe mood swings, sleep-related issues, hallucinations and extreme paranoia. Seizures are also a common symptom of alcohol-related withdrawal. Medical detox is always necessary for those who have been abusing alcohol for any length of time in order to prevent and alleviate serious, life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.
Our Detox Services Include
Benzodiazepine Detox
The National Library of Medicine published a study titled, “The Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome” which explores the physical and psychological effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal. According to the study, the most common side effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal include insomnia and other sleep-related issues, confusion, irritability and aggression, severe anxiety and panic attacks, nausea, vomiting and dry heaving, heart palpitations, body tremors, severe muscular pain and persistent headaches.

If left untreated, these health-related issues can become severe and potentially life-threatening. In the case of benzodiazepine addiction, medical detox will always be necessary. At Boca Detox, we generally treat these symptoms by slowly tapering the individual off of the drug in a closely monitored environment. We might also utilize Medication Assisted Treatment if we deem doing so necessary.
Opiate Detox
In the case of opiate detox, MAT is very often necessary. At Boca Detox we believe in the short-term benefits of medications like Suboxone when it comes to treating the symptoms of opiate withdrawal, including intense and overwhelming psychological drug cravings. However, we also believe that medications like Suboxone are a short-term solution and are only effective when combined with a range of other treatment modalities, such as intensive therapeutic intervention and relapse prevention training. In most cases, opiate detox will begin within the first day or two of the final use, and will peak within the first five to seven days. The most uncomfortable and difficult-to-manage symptoms will generally subside within the first two weeks of sobriety. However, the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal could last for close to a year. At Boca Detox we treat all withdrawal symptoms – from acute to post-acute. Our team of medical professionals will assess each individual client before determining the best course of clinical action.
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Stimulant Detox
When it comes to stimulant drugs like prescription stimulants (Adderall and Ritalin), methamphetamine or cocaine, the psychological symptoms of withdrawal are typically much more severe than the physical symptoms. The symptoms of stimulant withdrawal take hold very quickly, and they typically last for between one and two weeks (but can last longer if the substance abuse disorder was especially severe).

Even though these symptoms are not necessarily dangerous, they can cause intense psychological turmoil which will undeniably need to be treated in a medical setting. At Boca Detox we provide psychiatric care to individuals who are undergoing psychological withdrawal symptoms, like those very commonly associated with stimulant abuse. Those who abuse stimulant drugs will feel intensely sad, anxious and paranoid, restless, agitated and exhausted upon ceased use – these symptoms can all be effectively treated in our stimulant detox program. One of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of stimulant withdrawal is insomnia (the inability to fall asleep). Those who have been suffering at the hands of a stimulant addiction are typically sleep deprived, though they find that they cannot fall asleep regardless of how desperately the body needs rest. Our prescribing physicians often prescribe non-narcotic sleeping medications to aid in rest and make the withdrawal process that much more comfortable.
Our Detox Services
Client safety and comfort are essential during this first phase of recovery. We rely on several methods to ensure an effective detox while keeping clients comfortable and easing withdrawal symptoms:
Clinical and medical assessment – Before detox begins, we perform an in-depth clinical and medical assessment that provides us with the insight needed to treat specific needs. We then create an individualized detox plan that takes all factors of a client into consideration: physical health, history and length of substance use, family history, medical needs, etc. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client helps us make a more informed and effective detox plan.
24-hour clinical and medical care – Safety is paramount. Clients going through the detox phase of recovery (which typically lasts between 7 and 10 days) are monitored by clinical and medical staff 24/7 for any potentially hazardous withdrawal symptoms and other medical complications.
Medication management – Clients begin their journey to recovery in the safest, most comfortable way possible. We alleviate physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms by providing each patient with a research-backed medication regimen unique to their needs that is safely administered by a fully-trained member of our staff.
Case management – Detox can be an emotional, overwhelming time for clients and their families who just want answers. Boca Detox helps eliminate stress by assigning a case manager to each client. A case manager serves as a primary point of contact and an advocate for the client’s care, ensuring a successful, safe and comfortable detox.
Relapse prevention training – Teaching clients and their families about relapse triggers and healthy coping skills is always a component of detox.
Family program – In addition to educating families about relapse and prevention techniques, we provide training specifically for family members. Families will increase their understanding of the disease of addiction and learn how to support their loved one in healthy ways, rather than unintentionally enabling them.
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Our Comprehensive Approach to Care
Regardless of which chemical substance or combination of substances you were abusing, our comprehensive and individualized approach to medically monitored detox covers withdrawal-related symptoms of all kinds. If you have been suffering at the hands of a substance abuse disorder and you have not been able to remain sober for any prolonged period of time, Boca Detox is available to help. Our pain-free detox program prioritizes the comfort and well-being of each individual client. The level of clinical care we provide is truly unmatched, and cannot be found in any state-run detoxification facility or in any traditional hospital setting. If you are interested in learning more about our comprehensive approach to detox, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you soon and getting you started on the road to long-term recovery as quickly as possible.